Our Lady of the Visitation Parish is the new parish formed from the former parishes of St. Mary of the Hills and St. Elizabeth
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Welcome to Our Lady of the Visitation ParishOur Lady of the Visitation Parish is the new parish formed from the former parishes of St. Mary of the Hills and St. ElizabethLearn More/parish-life_self
RosaryEvery day before Daily Mass 8:35 amPray With Us/mass-times_self
What Is The Catholic Church?Learn More/what-is-the-catholic-church_self
Sunday:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Elizabeth9:15 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Elizabeth10:45 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Mary of the Hills12:00 PMEnglishEnglishENSt. Mary of the Hills
MonWedFri9:00 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Elizabeth
TueThuSat9:00 AMEnglishEnglishENSt. Mary of the Hills (Upper Church)